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Option: cut


-cut <above|below> <d> <normal>


This option allows to "cut" a system, i.e. remove atoms that are above or below a given plane.

The parameters for this option are the following:

The position <d> is usually given in Å. It is also possible to give it with respect to the box dimensions with the keyword BOX and an operation (see this page).

The <normal> can be one of 'x', 'y', 'z' (referring to cartesian axes), or a crystallographic direction defined by its Miller indices [hkl], or [hkil] for hexagonal systems (see how to specify Miller indices). If the crystallographic orientation of the system is defined (e.g. through the option -properties) then the Miller indices are considered with respect to that orientation. Otherwise the orientation assumed is X=[100], Y=[010], Z=[001].

If some atoms have shells (in the sense of an ionic core-shell model), it is the position of the core that is compared to <d>. When an atom is removed, both its core and shell (and auxiliary properties if any) are removed.

If a selection was defined (with the option -select) then only the selected atoms are removed.

Note that this option does not change the supercell parameters. In other words, it results in a void region where atoms have been removed.


By default the system is not cut.


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