Atom/Molecule/Material Software Kit
© Pierre Hirel 2010 - Version Beta 0.13.1
- License - Read first!
- Overview - Quick start
- Examples
- Compilation and installation
- Supported file formats
- Options
- add-atom - Insert one or more new atoms
- add-shells - Create shells for some or all atoms
- alignx - Align the first cell vector with the X axis
- bind-shells - Re-associate shells with their core
- cell - Modify cell vectors
- center - Shift the system at the center of the box
- crack - Insert a crack in the system
- cut - Wipe out part of the system
- deform - Apply uniaxial strain or shear strain
- dislocation - Insert a dislocation in the system
- disturb - Randomly move atoms out of their positions
- duplicate - Duplicate the system, construct supercells
- fix - Fix the coordinates of some atoms
- fractional - Convert to reduced coordinates
- mirror - Apply a mirror transformation
- options - Apply options read from a file
- orient - Change the crystallographic orientation of the system
- orthogonal-cell - Find a suitable equivalent orthogonal cell
- properties - Set properties of the system
- rebox - Try to guess supercell parameters
- reduce-cell - Try to reduce the system into a smaller cell
- remove-atom - Remove one or several atoms
- remove-doubles - Remove duplicate atoms
- remove-property - Remove one or all auxiliary properties
- remove-shells - Remove shells on some or all atoms
- roll - Bend or roll the system around an axis
- rotate - Rotate the system around an axis
- round-off - Round off coordinates or properties
- select - Select atoms according to a criterion
- separate - Pull apart atoms that are too close
- shift - Shift part of the system
- sort - Change the order in which atoms are written
- spacegroup - Apply symmetry operations of a space group
- stress - Apply stress to the system
- substitute - Replace atoms by other atoms
- swap - Swap two atoms, or Cartesian axes, or auxiliary properties
- torsion - Apply torsion along an axis
- unit - Change the unit of coordinates
- unskew - Reduce the skew of the box
- velocity - Create a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of velocities
- wrap - Wrap atoms back into the box
- Modes (click for more)
- Average - Average atom positions over several configurations
- Copy-Properties - Copy properties from a system to another
- Create - Create a system from scratch
- ddplot - Create a file for visualization with the ddplot program
- Gather - Gather several files into one file containing all snapshots
- List - Convert all files in a list
- Help - Displays help
- Interactive - Manipulate systems interactively or with scripts
- Interpolate - Interpolates atom positions between two configurations
- Match-ID - Find equivalent atoms between two systems
- Merge - Merge two or more systems into one
- Normal - Convert a file to one or many formats
- Polycrystal - Create a polycrystal using Voronoi method
- Unfold - Unfold a file containing several snapshots into several files
- Unwrap - Unwrap atom coordinates
- Program behaviour
- Companion tools
- Acknowledgements
- FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
- Information for developers
- Contact
- Other useful codes